At $12,000, Could This Primer-Patched 1961 Ford F-100 ‘Unibody’ Be A Prime Deal?

At $12,000, Could This 1961 Ford F-100 ‘Unibody’ Be A Deal?


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Formula One Suspension: Explained

Pro tip: for the most effective suspension, the wheels must be connected to the car at all times.

Pro tip: for the most effective suspension, the wheels must be connected to the car at all times.
Photo: Lars Baron (Getty Images)

If you’ve ever driven a car with shitty suspension, you know how important a decent quality ride is for doing things like, not hating your life. And if you think it’s important in your road car when you’re driving your kids to school, you know it’s crucial in a race car. That’s why we’re going to be breaking down suspension in Formula One today.


(Welcome to Motorsport Explained, the series where we break down racing rules and concepts in easily digestible ways for all the beginners out there. If there’s something you’ve always wondered about or something that has never made sense, leave your topic in the comments or email me at eblackstock [at] jalopnik [dot] com.)

In theory, Formula One suspension isn’t all that different from the suspension in your road car, where your tires are the only thing holding you to the asphalt which therefore means you want to optimize that grip as best you can. It’s still designed to do the same things: provide solid handling and a comfortable ride. But there are three components to F1 suspension you need to know about: inboard suspension, outboard suspension, and the suspension bits that are in the air flow. It’s that aerodynamic component that makes F1 so different from road cars—or even other race cars where suspension parts aren’t critical to air flow.

Basically, the suspension regulates weight distribution across all four wheels, which in turn will determine whether or not it stays stable. For a very fast car, you can imagine suspension is absolutely crucial to, y’know, maintaining reliable and comfortable handling.

Inboard Suspension

The inboard suspension elements are those that are hidden under the car, the ones you can’t see. The inboard suspension components are the springs, dampers, rockers, torsion bars, and anti-roll bars.

We’ll start with the dampers. These often come in the form of a hydraulic piston absorbs energy from the suspension. After all, when you go over a bump, you want to minimize the energy that’s being translated into the chassis and, therefore, the amount of bumpiness that you feel. Dampers absorb all that excess energy because of how hard it is to move the hydraulic piston, making for a smoother ride and thus better handling.

The rockers are mountings that can rotate around an axis, which in turn facilitate steering.


The torsion bar features one end that turns with the rocker and one end that is rigidly fixed to the chassis. The torsion bar is made of materials that can be twisted—so, as the rocker turns, the torsion bar twists. That comes with a lot of resistance, since this metal bar does not want to twist. When you release the torsion bar, it’ll pop right back where it belongs. So, it functions in the same way a spring does, but it’s a much more efficient part.

The square U-shaped anti-roll bar is both an in- and outboard suspension component; it connects one wheel to the other so that, if one wheel lifts up, the the other one does as well. It prevents the car from rolling when one wheel is forced up higher than the other.


Outboard Suspension

The outboard suspension components are those that are built onto the exterior of the car but that are still tucked away from the direct flow of air. Outboard suspension includes the uprights, axles, and wheel bearings.


An upright serves to connect the wheel, brake rotor, hub, brake caliber, and steering arm together. It allows the front wheels to turn. In F1, the upright also has to house three wheel tethers, which are designed to keep the tire connected to the chassis in the event of an accident.

Axles are fairly self-explanatory: it’s a rod that connects and rotates the wheels and supports the weight of your car.


And wheel bearings fit tightly inside the wheel hub; they reduce friction while the wheel spins.

Airflow Suspension

There are some bits of the suspension that are kind of in-between; they’re not under the car, but they’re also not hidden behind the tires. Which means they’re getting the full brunt of the airflow. Therefore, they need to be both effective when it comes to making for a smoother ride, but they also need to kind of be designed in such a way that air can easily pass over them. These bits are the wishbones, pull rods, push rods, and track rods. These are, in large part, the six arms that you see connecting an F1 wheel to the chassis.


The wishbones are four structural components that connect the wheel to the chassis. That is the sole job of the wishbone: to hold one piece onto the other.

The track rod, or steering arm, is a single arm that moves horizontally through the chassis, which pushes and pulls the wheel mount around a pivot point supported by the wishbones. That’s how you steer.


The push rod and pull rod are the same, final arm—but it all depends on your setup. Most folks prefer the push rod system at the front of the car, which connects to the wheel mount, enters the chassis, and connects to the rocker that we mentioned before. If you lift the wheel up, the rod pushes against the rocker (see where it gets its name?). The rocker is connected to the dampers, which will absorb all that excess energy. The benefit here is that it translates lateral, back-and-forth motion into rotational motion, which makes it a hell of a lot easier to package up in a small space.

The pull rod system is the same, but in this case, if you lift the wheel, the rod pulls against the rocker.


Putting It All Together

While all of those components are complex separately, shit really starts to get real when you connect them all together. How this suspension is set up depends on the driver, the car, the team, the track, the temperature, and the race length. So, on a grid of 20 cars, every single one will have a very different suspension setup.


A ‘softer’ suspension setup is designed to have more give, which means you’ll have a smoother ride because the suspension will absorb a lot of the energy from the track before it hits the chassis. But you run the risk of having less receptive handling; you’ll feel the outside forces that push your car to the side when you turn or push you forward when you brake hard.

A ‘stiffer’ setup will feel more stable and give drivers a sense of confidence in its responsive handling. That being said, you’re sacrificing comfort.


If you’re part of an endurance race at a bumpy track on a really hot day, you may want a smoother setup, since it’ll take less physical effort for you to control. If you’re doing a qualifying sprint, you might prefer a stiffer setup that can jar you around a little bit more but will respond to rapid steering input.

I Would Not Want To Be Running Chrysler Right Now

Illustration for article titled I Would Not Want To Be Running Chrysler Right Now
Photo: Getty Images (Getty Images)
The Morning ShiftAll your daily car news in one convenient place. Isn’t your time more important?

VW lost half its profits last year, Nissan is trying to dodge tariffs, and flying cars. All that and more in The Morning Shift for January 22, 2021.

1st Gear: Stellantis CEO Now Faced With 38 Daily Reports Running FCA-PSA Megamerger

I don’t know what’s more surprising from this report in Automotive News: that Carlos Tavares will be receiving 38 daily reports while running Stellantis (double what he got running the already chimera-like Peugeot-Citroën mass of PSA), or that FCA’s CEO Mike Manley was already fielding 22 daily reports himself. From AN:

Stellantis CEO Carlos Tavares will have 38 top executives reporting directly to him at the new automotive group – more than twice as many than at PSA Group, and considerably more than the last two CEOs at Fiat Chrysler.


That number of direct reports is one of the highest in the automotive industry. When Sergio Marchionne merged Chrysler into Fiat to create FCA, he had a total of 28 direct reports. Marchionne’s successor at the helm of FCA, Mike Manley, had 22 functions reporting directly to him. At PSA, Tavares had 18 direct reports.


There are also six deputies, AN notes, meaning that Stellantis will have 44 top executives overseeing nine committees: Business Review, Strategy Council, Global Program Committee, Industrial Committee, Allocations Committee, Region Committee, Brand Review, Brand Committee, Styling Review.

I would not want to be in charge of ensuring the success of any one individual cog in that machine. Maybe I would feel a little relaxation that anything I do is only ever going to be 1/38th of the responsibilities of my ultimate superior.

2nd Gear: VW Lost Half Its Profits In 2020

This is a fun one, as news stories are popping up both that VW lost half its operating profits last year, and also that VW somehow still turned out a profit at all. I guess it’s a glass half full/half empty sort of news item.


Here’s the glass half empty side, coming from Bloomberg and Reuters wire reports in Automotive News:

Volkswagen Group’s 2020 adjusted operating profit nearly halved but the automaker said its vehicle deliveries continued to recover strongly in the fourth quarter.

Operating profit before special items related to the diesel-emissions scandal was about 10 billion euros ($12.2 billion), VW said in a statement on Friday.

The automaker, whose brands include Porsche, Audi and Bentley, had reported an operating profit of 19.3 billion euros in 2019.


And here is the glass half full side, coming from the Financial Times:

While the VW marque stuttered in 2020, with delayed launches of its Golf 8 model and its flagship electric car, the ID. 3, the group’s premium brands enjoyed an extraordinary rebound, particularly in China.

Audi recorded its best-ever quarter in the last three months of 2020, selling more than half a million cars in the period for the first time.

Porsche sales dropped just 3 per cent over the course of the year, and deliveries in China were up by more than 2,000 units on 2019, despite widespread lockdowns and dealership closures.


In the midst of all of VW’s big EV push, the company still failed to hit its EU emissions targets and got more than €100m in fines. Making cars is hard!

3rd Gear: Nissan To Make More Batteries In UK To Dodge Brexit Tariffs

Nissan runs the UK’s biggest car plant in large part because of import restrictions put on Japanese cars in the 1980s. Now Nissan will be making more batteries in the UK because of Brexit, as Reuters reports:

Following Britain’s departure from the European Union, London and Brussels struck a trade deal on Dec. 24 that avoided major disruption as well as a 10% levy on cars, provided they meet local content rules.

Nissan makes about 30,000 Leaf electric cars at its Sunderland factory, most with a locally sourced 40 kilowatt-hour battery. They remain tariff-free.

But more powerful versions use an imported system, which will now be bought in Britain, creating jobs.

“It will take a few months,” Gupta said. “Brexit, which we thought is a risk … has become an opportunity for Nissan.”


I don’t think the book is at all closed on Brexit and the car world. We’ve seen a lot of increased homogeneity in the global car market over the past few decades (hell, Australia doesn’t even make its own cars anymore) and I wonder if at some point the pendulum will swing back to more local regulation, protection, and production.

4th Gear: Terrafugia Still At It

Geely, a Chinese car company not owned by the government but hell-bent on owning everything else, controls Terrafugia. Apparently, the lights are still on over there:


I’m glad that everyone at Terrafugia is collecting a paycheck, though god knows I don’t think much will come of it. I grew up on the other side of town from the Moller Skycar guy.

5th Gear: Balloon Business Struggled To Reach Profitability In Silicon Valley

I feel like my youth in Northern California was a real heyday for whacko high/low tech schemes. I don’t know how many times I heard about a space elevator, and I think I was reminded of hot air balloons on a daily basis.


It is with that in mind that I enjoyed this New York Times story on some Silicon Valley brainiacs finding a hard time making their scheme to disseminate cell service from the stratosphere using balloons:

Google’s parent company Alphabet is shutting down Loon, a high-profile subsidiary spun out from its research labs that used high-altitude helium balloons to deliver cellular connectivity from the stratosphere.

Nearly a decade after it began the project, Alphabet said on Thursday that it pulled the plug on Loon because it did not see a way to reduce costs to create a sustainable business. Along with the self-driving car unit Waymo, Loon was one of the most hyped “moonshot” technology projects to emerge from Alphabet’s research lab, X.

“The road to commercial viability has proven much longer and riskier than hoped. So we’ve made the difficult decision to close down Loon,” Astro Teller, who heads X, wrote in a blog post. Alphabet said it expected to wind down operations in “the coming months” with the hope of finding other positions for Loon employees at Alphabet.


Honestly, I don’t think the problem here is with the balloons, it’s with the social structure that requires them to somehow make money for somebody. You just wait until I’m typing the same thing for autonomous vehicles.

Reverse: Endless Horrible Car Ads To Follow


Neutral: What Car Brand Would You Like To Run?

Let me at Opel. Just for a minute. Please. it’ll be fun, I swear.

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